Monday, November 25, 2013

Trying a new half square triangle technique

 My cousin and his wife are expecting their second baby this winter, and I am very excited for all the usual reasons, but also because I have two little boys, and this project is allowing me to indulge my girly-girl side, and get some feminine fabrics.  They are decorating their nursery in purples and greys, so I stopped by Fabric Corner, our local fabric store here in Arlington.

Purple, lilac and grey!
 My hands down favorite fabric of the bunch had to be Swallow Skies by Tula Pink in Gypsy.
The swallow just seems to fly organically through the swirls
I'm really fond of this low volume print by Free Spirit Flora.

 Here they are, all cut up and ready for action:

 I wanted to try a new way to make half-square triangles, hoping for more accuracy, and I found a Quilty tutorial that shows you 3 ways to do it! Here, I took my quarter inch seam marker, drew a line on each side...
 Stacked the two fabrics that will make up the finished block, right sides facing, of course! Pinned the two triangles-to-be...
 Here's a stack of 8 waiting for the sewing machine! I sewed down the two lines I had marked with the quarter-inch seam marker.
 Then, you hold your breath and slice in between the two rows of sewing! Whoosh!
 Press to the dark, and you have lovely blocks (I have to snip my dog ears, though!)
 Here are the finished blocks laid out on my design wall, so you can see how they are going to be positioned in the quilt.
Pretty slick, eh? I love how you don't have to worry about the bias and the triangles getting distorted - squares tend to be easier to handle!

1 comment:

  1. This is a really efficient technique, I love it too. And you are right, it makes it much easier to get a successful halfsquare-triangle result!


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